1. 水污染防治措施計劃說明書申請
    Water pollution prevention and control measures
  2. 污水排放許可證申請
    Sewage discharge permit
  3. 污水功能檢測報告書申請
    Sewage function detection
  4. 固定污染源設置,變更許可申請
    Fixed source setting and modify setting application
  5. 固定污染源操作許可申請
    Operating permit for fixed pollution sources
  6. 污水下水道排放許可申請
    Sewer discharge permit
  7. 廢棄物清除處理計劃書申請
    Waste cleanup plan
  8. 線上EMS系統整合申報
    Online EMS report
  9. 廢棄物處理場設置許可證申請
    Waste disposal plant permit
  10. 各式空氣,污水定期申報
    Periodic pollution& sewage report
  11. 各式空氣,污水限期改善
    Pollution & sewage deadline improments
  12. 工程與採購計劃書申請
    Purchase plan and construction plan
  13. 污水貯留證明申請
    Certification of sewage storage
  14. 毒性物質使用許可申請
    Permit for usage of toxic substances
  15. 環境影響評估,環境說明書
    Environmental impact assessment
  16. 各式環境檢測作業安排
    Environmental testing