公司名稱(Company name):   泓瑞工程有限公司 Hung Jui Enterprise CO.,LTD.
統一編號(Uniform number):   24243533
營利事業登記證(Profit-making registration certificate):   桃營登字第09712863號 
工程等級(Engineering grade):    乙級水污染防治工程 Class B water pollution control project

                                  4F.-2,NO.309,CIWEN RD.,TAOYUAN DIST.,TYOYUAN CITY 330,TAIWAN(R.O.C.)

電話(TEL):   +8863-3574927
傳真(FAX):   +8863-3557381
經營理念(Management idea):  品質、信譽、責任 Quality、Reputation、Responsibility

本公司為一專業環境工程公司,其主要對於相關環保法規均有透徹的了解,並實際參與環保專案之執行工作。有鑑於國內環保問題頻傳,一般民眾對於環保議題亦日趨關心,環保已不是政府單方面的宣導工作,更有賴於全國民眾及製造廠商之協力合作。在市場之供需之下國內環保相關行業紛紛成立,期為國內環境保護工作盡一份心力,基於相同之理念,泓瑞工程有限公司於焉成立,全體同仁抱持『取之於斯,用之於斯』的理念,期望以本身之專業素養為這片孕育生命之大地盡一份心力,協助廠商做好環境保護工作,達到產業升級的目標,我們秉持精益求精的工作態度,研究發展更新的技術與服務,以尋獲更完美的工作方法,為廠商解決環境污染防治的各種問題。 能夠得到您的認同與支持,將是本公司莫大的目標與榮耀。

Our company is a professional environmental engineering company, we have thorough understanding for environmental protection and maintenance regulations, and have practiced in the field for a long time. In present days, protecting and maintaining our environment can no longer rely only on the government’s action, it is even more important for the general public and industries to cooperate. With the quick rising of environmental consciousness, more and more professionals like us have established in hope to assist industries to upgrade production efficiency in their discipline, while maintaining and protecting our environment from contamination. With the very same objective, Hung Jui Enterprise Co;Ltd has established, our entire staff hope to nourish and protect the earth with our professional discipline, whilst helping our cooperating industries to find better and more environmental friendly methods for their practice. Our staff and R&D team are confident to provide our friends in various industries with perfect solutions for any kind of contamination issues. With utmost respect for you and the planet earth, we sincerely hope for your identification and support.